Enabling a sustainable future with reliable and safe products.
Tech Consulting
From gathering information, assessing market drivers, and trends, over technology reviews and benchmarks for key technologies, to technical on-site support.
We provide high level technology consulting with in-depth understanding of the automotive and battery business.
We support our customers with:
High Voltage Battery Development
In over 15+ on product experience in the automotive business and 10+ in the battery industry our team has worked at and for renowned car manufactures leading projects from concept to series production. Supporting critical topics beyond the classical silo within a single department, we drive a broad interdisziplinary, beyond-the-edge-approach to include all necessary stakeholders in early stages.
We support our customers with:
Analytics, Data Science & Engineering, Machine Learning
We cover a broad variety of tools like data architectures, cloud platforms, data flow/ELT/ETL pipelines for preprocessing, as well as statistical, explorative methods. Creating production ready machine learning algorithms using the top-edge technologies.
We support our customers with:
Task Force
Our experts have multiple years of experience in and beyond the automotive industry with a variety of interdisziplinary skills to gather quick results without compromising on in-depth analysis with respect to technological, timing, and cost
We support our customers with:
Battery Production
With experts for battery cell, cell module and battery pack production we support the entire chain from electrode manufacturing, cell assembly and finishing, to cell module and pack assemblies with a variety of tools and experience.
We support our customers with:
Battery Recycling
We are dedicated to drive the environmental change and take responsibility for ecological implications of the technologies we use. That’s why we are partnering with global recycling tech advisors and companies to augment the complete chain of battery technology with a holistic view point of a circular economy.
We support our customers with:
augment your development now!
For any questions or enquiries simply reach out to us and we will get in contact in no time.